Contributing to charitable causes
Ride the Bine contributes to a number of charitable causes. We take pride in taking an active and positive role in our community. However, we receive
hundreds of requests like yours for consideration. In order for us to properly
evaluate all requests, and for our records, we ask you to fill this short
questionnaire. We will notify you as soon as possible if a donation request is
approved, usually within a week.
We receive many applications from fantastic organizations, so while your
application will be considered please be advised that we will ONLY contact you
if your request is accepted. Charities that are locally based, focused on food
security, food literacy, and other causes that are near and dear to us will be
weighted heavily when we’re making our considerations. (Sorry, we do not make
donations for fundraising efforts -like school trips, Stag & Doe’s, overseas
travel, OR child/youth specific events etc.).
We’re proud to play an active and positive role in our community, contributing to a number of worthwhile and charitable causes.